Blog Post #3 (Key Post)

 Eight Values of Expressions

The Eight Values of Free Expressions are all important in their own ways and each one has a different purpose that can benefit our lives in some way. One of the eight values of free expression that resonated with me the most was Individual Self-Fulfillment. This expression focuses on being able to be able to say what you believe in. A value that I would consider to be the most important to me would be Promate Tolerance. Growing up in the age of social media it is important to recognize that not everything is positive on the internet. It is vital as an individual in today's society to be able to ignore hateful comments. At the same time acknowledge the fact it is important to ignore and realize it will make you a stronger individual if you act like it does not affect you. Within the First Amendment, it states you have freedom of speech but sometimes what someone says is not right by any means.

Present Day relation to the Eight Values of Free Expressions

In today’s era, Promate Tolerance is extremely important with everything that has occurred in the past year. There have been a lot of stressful events that have affected nearly everyone between the pandemic and all the protests that happened in the summer. Even though we as American citizens have the right to have freedom of speech. There are still situations where hate speech has occurred especially in some of the protests that were not peaceful. If someone makes a racist comment either in person or on a social media platform they will be canceled because it is beyond horrible and not ok to ever make a negative comment about someone's race. No matter what is said negatively about someone's race it can never be justified or deemed okay. It is important within society to make awareness and severe punishments for any individual who continues to say or do anything remotely racist. This will help prevent any hate crimes to occur or racist comments being made. It is important to acknowledge as a whole society that change needs to be made for good.

Violence against Asian-Americans

Recently in the news and all over different social media platforms is awareness of a current issue going on in the online world. In the United States right now there is a lot of violence occurring that is directed towards Asian Americans. These incidents have been occurring both online through social media and in-person as well. This incident relates to one of the Eight Values of Free Expressions which is Promate Tolerance. This free expression is in regards to how hateful comments and actions do occur. Which has happened a lot since March 2020 with nearly four thousand anti-Asian incidents occurring. As citizens of the United States, it is important to acknowledge how wrong these incidents are. There needs to change soon and it is important to continue to shed light on this serious issue. In order to have a better society that accepts anyone no matter what race they are, these types of incidents need to have serious consequences to stop them from occurring ever again. The theory Promote Tolerance helps give an explanation of what is sadly occurring with violence against Asian-Americans.

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