Blog Post #1


Between the many different news channels and many social media platforms, there are many ways to receive information and keep up with current events. When I have the need or interest to see current news there are a few go-to websites I typically refer to. Sometimes depending on the topic I am reading about in the news or want to look up will help determine for me what news platform to use.

The top new sources I typically use are New York Times, Facebook, Daily Mail,, and Instagram. Each of these news platforms are able to deliver current information for many different topics. I also believe the sources I follow and use the most gives the most current update to any event or situation. No matter what I am trying to stay in the loop with all these different media outlets, they all are able to provide me with the best information for my interest.

The New York Times is a great way to receive current news for a wide range of topics between politics, current issues, and world news. There are also news articles and topics of all different kinds between health, style, and food. This allows me to use the same news platform to learn and research many different topics all on the same platform. The New York Times allows their viewers to receive daily emails which include current popular topics and breaking news for the day. This allows to me stay up to date with what's going on in the world no matter how busy I am with school.

When I am bored either at home or during a homework break, I usually stroll through Facebook. I have used Facebook since I was thirteen and I have used it for over ten years now to read news articles and stay up to date, Facebook was the first platform I ever used to read the news, which sparked my interest in keeping up to date with what is happening in the world. As I got older I soon realized not all the information on Facebook is completely accurate so I usually end up using my other favorite platforms as well. When I was in high school I used Facebook a lot more for news and current events compared to now. But I still browse a few times a week to see if anything sounds appealing to learn about or find out about something that I did not know was occurring.

The Daily Mail is a news source that sparked my interest when it started showing its news on Snapchat's discovery side within the application. When this first came out I would click over on the discover page because all sorts of news were covered which allowed me to focus and read the Daily Mail frequently and stay up to date with all sorts of information. I also enjoyed how it was a news source from outside the United States because it covered a lot of world news as well and not just the United States news. After first being introduced to this platform on a very popular social media application I soon started also reading the news on their website as well.


I grew up right outside of the city of Boston all my life. In school, we used as a source in many different classes. For many years now I have used this website to stay update to date on local news, world news, and sports. Growing up my entire family would have bookmarked on both Safari and Chrome to able to view the website throughout the day. Since it covers a wide range of information no matter what I was looking for or had an interest in will cover it. Even though I am not home most of the year now. I still will check out the website a few times throughout the week.

Instagram is a great way to receive and find out information on the go. I use it a lot to follow celebrity news compared to political and current events. It makes it easy to follow and stay up to date on my favorite influencers and celebrities. I have personally never used Instagram as a way to follow current events. But just as a way to follow current trends and celebrity news. I never use Instagram as a news outlet for political news and would prefer to use other news platforms. If I do happen to stumble upon political or world news on Instagram I also check different sources to see how true it is. Instagram is one of my favorite social media platforms in general and I enjoy staying in the loop with all my favorite celebrities.

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